fern stands for indoor

A fern is an excellent choice if you’re searching for a huge, foliage-rich houseplant. You can choose to get ferns available in so many distinct species and varieties to embellish your living space! It is pretty easy to manage and grow ferns inside your home, especially if you pay attention to their soil, sunlight, and water requirements. 

Ferns are the only plant that stays green, and lush even in the absence of sunlight. They are one of the oldest plants on the planet, reaching back to the prehistoric era. With the correct amount of humidity, these versatile plants can grow indoors as well as outdoors. They are excellent oxygen saturators as well as natural humidifiers, making them, a perfect sustainable accessory for indoors. Because of their visual beauty, homeowners get intrigued to buy fern stands for indoor decor.


This post will guide you on how to care for your indoor plants and make them healthy:

Tips to Keep Your Indoor Plants Healthy

1.  Give Enough Indirect Light to Ferns

Many ferns require indirect light to better grow and flourish; thus, avoid planting them in direct sunlight. This is because, in the presence of direct sunlight, fronds of fern start burning and drying with time. Prefer placing the fern plant indoors beside the northeast-facing window to give enough light. However, if your plant is not growing and becoming yellowish, it is most likely due to a lack of light. Therefore, as an alternative to natural light, it is better to place a grow light on ferns for a few hours every day.

2. Keep Them At Room Temperature

Most indoor plants require to grow at room temperatures ranging between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime and 10° at night. Since most ferns are grown as houseplants and native to subtropical or tropical climates, they begin to fall off when temperatures drop below 50°F. Thus, you must make sure that your decorative indoor planter pots aren’t too close to a door and window as their cold draughts could harm them during the winter. Keep your ferns away from air vents, fireplaces, and some other kinds of heat sources to protect them against rapid temperature swings.

3. Provide Enough Humidity & Water:

Indoor plants require uniformly moist soil; thus, don’t let them dry out completely between waterings. Some ferns, such as rabbit’s foot fern, brake fern, and Japanese holly fern, do not dry out between waterings. To check the humidity levels, stick your finger into the fern soil about an inch deep to see if there is a need to add water. Water the fern if it’s dry, or wait for a few days if it’s still damp.

4. Feed on a Time:

A little fertilizer will always help to keep your ferns looking green and healthy. You can use a half-strength liquid houseplant or a slow-release fertilizer once a month like from early spring to mid-autumn. Fertilize ferns sparingly during the colder days because they aren’t actively developing.

It is great to add a touch of greenery inside your home with indoor plants. Put the above-mentioned tips into practical implementation to keep your indoor plants lush and healthy.

Originally posted 2022-04-15 13:06:28.